Application/Exam Requirements
Ole has been full time professor of bassoon at the Staatlichen Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Mannheim for ten years and his students have won more than 50 orchestral positions.
The entrance exams normally take place in February for the spring semester and in July for the fall semester. Here is some information on how to apply, as well as useful information for current students regarding exams.
Bachelor — Artistic Emphasis (künstlerischer Schwerpunkt)
How do I apply for the entrance examination?
Online application via MuHo Mannheim website:
How does the entrance examination work?
It includes four exams/auditions:
1. Bassoon audition (Hauptfach Fagott)
you have to play 15 minutes of free-choice music of medium difficulty
the music must be from at least three different time periods
you will be asked to sight-read a short piece of music
! Important information: You must write your program on paper and give it to the Jury the same day. And also bring the piano scores!
2. Compulsory subject piano audition (Pflichtfach Klavier)
you must play 10 minutes of music - free choice
they should be simple pieces from at least two different time periods
3. Compulsory subject music theory exam (Pflichtfach Musiktheorie)
A 45 minutes written examination:
notation of scales, intervals and chords (three and four note chords with inversions)
diagnose intervals and chords (three and four chords with inversions)
diagnose tonality
transposition of a melody
complete a melody
four-part editing of an easy cadence - four-part editing of figured bass
4. Compulsory subject ear training exam (Pflichtfach Gehörbildung) A 45 minutes written examination:
interval and chord dictation (three and four chords with inversions)
dictation of one and two voice melody
chord sequence dictation
rhythm dictation
How do I apply for the entrance examination?
Online application via MuHo Mannheim website:
How does the entrance examination work?
1. Bassoon audition (Hauptfach Fagott)
you have to play 15 minutes of music
they must be difficult pieces from at least three different time periods
at least one piece has to be with piano
you will be asked to sight-read a short piece of music
How do I apply for the entrance examination?
Online application via MuHo Mannheim website:
How does the entrance examination work?
You have to choose between only bassoon or bassoon with contrabassoon:
1. Bassoon audition (Hauptfach Fagott)
Mozart bassoon concerto or Weber bassoon concerto
Mozart- Figaros Hochzeit
Ravel- Bolero
Smetana- Die verkaufte Braut
Rimskij-Korsakow- „Scheherazade“
Tschaikowsky- 4.Sinfonie
Schostakowitsch- 9.Sinfonie
2. Bassoon with contrabassoon audition (Hauptfach Fagott mit Kontrafagott)
Mozart bassoon concerto or Weber bassoon concerto on bassoon
Mozart bassoon concerto 2nd movement on contrabassoon
Excerpts on bassoon:
Mozart- Figaros Hochzeit
Smetana- Die verkaufte Braut (2nd bassoon)
Strauß- „Don Quixote“ (2nd bassoon)
Excerpts on contrabassoon:
Ravel- „Ma Mère l`Oye“
Brahms- 3.Sinfonie
Verdi- Don Carlos
What exams will I do at MuHo Mannheim?
Bachelor- Artistic Emphasis Exams (künstlerischer Schwerpunkt)
The performance exams for Bachelor come at the end of the 4th semester and at the end of your 8th semester. Each year there are two semesters.
Intermediate examination for main subject I (Zwischenprüfung für Hauptfach I)
This exam comes in the end of the 4th semester in Bachelor.
You have to play 20 minutes of music from different time periods.
After completing this exam you have finished your main subject bassoon I (Hauptfach Fagott I)
Final examination for main subject II and Bachelor ́s thesis (Abschlussprüfung für Hauptfach II und Bachelorarbeit) :
First module- Recital (30 minutes)
This exam comes in the end of the 8th semester in Bachelor, where you have to play pieces from different time periods.
Afterwards you will play 7 moderate excerpts of your own choice.
Second module- Bachelor’s thesis/dissertation
Research and production of an independent piece of written work with a topic from the instrumental, academic, artistic interpretational or professional field
Professional standard CD recording project (length approx. 10-15 minutes). The CD must be recorded by the sound engineer of the university, he is available for 4 hours. (contact: Manuel Veronesi:; 0621/292-3508). Cuts in the recording are only allowed between movements or pieces. It is not allowed to use the same program from the recital.
The program of the exam must be written down.
Master exams
Final examination (Abschlussprüfung) and Master`s thesis (Masterarbeit)
First module:
Recital (50 minutes):
Pieces from three to four different time periods - One piece has to be composed after 1945
There can be one piece of chamber music
Repertoire exam (20 minutes):
one audition concerto
Audition exam:
prepare 10 ambitious excerpts, of which at least five will be heard during the exam
Also you have to sight-read 2 or 3 excerpts
Second module- Master ́s thesis/dissertation
Research and production of an independent piece of written work with a topic from the instrumental, academic, artistic interpretational or professional field
Professional standard CD recording project (length approx. 10-15 minutes). The CD must be recorded by the sound engineer of the university, he is available for 4 hours. (contact: Manuel Veronesi:; 0621/292-3508). Cuts in the recording are only allowed between movements or pieces. It is not allowed to use the same program from the recital.
The program of the exam must be written down.OR
You have to
create a moderated concert and written presentation of the texts of the moderation or
composition of a large cadenza to a well-known solo work or
new edition of a shorter, little-known piece
Zusatzstudium exams
Orchestra exam:
At the end of the 2nd or 3rd semester there will be a university-public exam with 10 excerpts and a 30-minute rehearsal with a wind section that is led by the examinee. The excerpts are selected by the main subject teacher and communicated to the candidate 4-6 weeks before the exam. In this rehearsal of the wind section you can work with pieces from the opera or with symphonic pieces with at least 3 players. This part of the exam may include also the performance of exposed excerpts with piano accompaniment.
Audition exam (60 min):
At the end of the 4th semester there will be one more university-public exam with 2 audition-concerto pieces and 14 excerpts. It contains 2 sight-reading excerpts and at least two excerpts from the 20th century.
Program for this exam:
Subject bassoon:
Mozart concerto and Weber concerto
Subject bassoon with contrabassoon:
Mozart concerto
Schulhoff-„Die Bassnachtigall“
7 excerpts for 2nd bassoon und contrabassoon